Your Coaching Experience

Through courage, you will shift.  Then you will shift your world.

You will turn kairos moments into magic.

A Holistic Approach

The integral coaching approach has a holistic view of development:  when we experience a pattern in one aspect in our life, such as work, that same pattern often shows up in other aspects even if it doesn’t manifest in quite the same way.

Based on this perspective, our work together will incorporate the whole person.  We’ll explore your perceptions and beliefs, behavioral patterns, relationships, environment and systems that move you closer or further away from your desired outcomes.  This serves as a foundation for creating bespoke outcomes, specific to your situation.

Holistic Approach (S)

What We’ll Do Together

Every coaching experience will be a little different, unique to you and what you need most in each moment.

Insight will happen during our discussions.
Learning and growth will happen via your action(s) between or after coaching conversations.

While each experience will be unique, expect that coaching to generally include some form of each the steps depicted and described below.

Coaching Overview (L)

Illustration based loosely on the Learning Circle concept from Mike Breen.


1 - Notice

Notice a Kairos Moment

You will notice an opportune (kairos) moment: it might look like a looming decision that feels unclear, an unfulfilled longing or desire, or even a wish for something to be just a little different.

Courage (XS)

Step into Courage

You will step into your courage and, despite some discomfort or anxiety, you’ll do something about what you’ve noticed such as sharing your desire with someone else (perhaps a coach).

Move Toward Insight

2 - Observe


You will begin to observe some specifics and details around what you noticed including the circumstances that led to this situation feeling like a kairos moment.

3 - Reflect


You will reflect on what you observed, what outcome you want, why that outcome is important, or what you have or haven’t done to move toward that outcome.

4 - Discuss


We’ll dive in deeply, with curiosity to deepen your initial noticing, observation, and reflection. I’ll offer observations as we acknowledge what’s true about your current situation and desired outcomes.

Design and Act Intentionally

5 - Plan


We’ll identify and acknowledge possible truths, actions (such as reflections, practices, or resources) that may deepen your understanding and move you at least one step toward better.

6 - Commit


You will select and commit to the action(s) you want to take forward into your life, your patterns, and your world. Depending on the circumstances, you may choose to commit to meet again for a check-in.

7 - Act

Practice / Act

You will put your commitment into practice, taking action in your day-to-day life. This may include asking for support from others, shifting conditions in your environment, or even a cycle of reflection and adjustment.

Create Magic

8 - Shift


You will experience a shift in your current circumstances and your perspective that will then, ideally, create shifts in those around you and in your world.