Client Intake

I’m looking forward to working with you.  As we get started, I’d appreciate your contact information so I can mail you a little something. 
Additionally, I invite any other thoughts you might like to share about the work we’re beginning together.

After signing, would you like a paper copy of your Development Plan and/or the Contract mailed to you? Note: If you choose any of the "Yes" options, you will need to provide your mailing address in the question above.

(optional) Click on this description text (it's a link!) to open a new tab. Take an Enneagram Type test (either option is fine). Then, enter your results in the field below.

8 + 3 =

After clicking “Submit” a successful submission will result in a confirmation message.
If the form does not submit successfully, errors will be identified in red for each field
with specific changes needed for successful submission described below the form.