Flag Left (XS)Special Coaching Offer Flag Right (XS)

Are you interested in exploring an edge together with your coach who is
currently expanding into new coaching competencies?

You bring your openness and  courage.
I’ll bring my love for people and my current learning in coaching methods.
Together, we’ll begin to turn your current kairos moments into magic.

Getting Started

1.  We’ll Connect

Schedule an Alchemy Conversation. This initial call is intended for potential new clients and/or previous clients interested in this special transformational coaching engagement offer.

This complimentary discussion is designed to ensure that 1) client and coach are a good fit and 2) the client’s situation is a good fit for this special offer. We’ll explore your current situation and desired outcomes, then identify alignment with the approach used in this engagement or other available services.  By the end of this conversation, you will gain insight into how working together may effectively support you in moving toward your desired outcomes.

2.  You’ll Choose

Explore an Edge (XS)

Explore an Edge: Unfold into Magic

In this special coaching offer, you will use each coaching conversation to deeply observe, explore, and unfold into magic the magic of innate wholeness. Turn desire into reality by actively actively engaging in your unfolding experience. Create impactful shifts within yourself, then begin to shift your world.

16 conversations (7 months)

8 - Shift

Existing Coaching Services

You may prefer to move forward with an existing coaching engagement: Dare to Dream or Become Bravery.  Or, perhaps a smaller coaching commitment such as Ignite Your Intuition or Wonder to Insight may a better fit for your current situation.

return to the SERVICES page to learn more.

Special Coaching Offer
Explore an Edge:  Unfold into Magic

Deeply observe, explore and unfold into magic.

This special offer invites you to experience the magic of your innate wholeness.
During each coaching conversation, you will actively engage in your unfolding experience.  You will create impactful shifts within yourself, then you’ll begin to shift your world.

Do you want to explore a (learning) edge and unfold into magic?

Explore an Edge (XS)EXPLORE AN EDGE

An unfolding series of 16 coaching conversations.
You’re invited to explore a learning edge together with your coach.  We’ll dig into a your patterns, choosing one to focus on that may not be serving you (you know the one) as effectively as you’d hoped.  Together, we’ll explore this pattern in depth, observing deeply how it originates within you and then shows up in your interactions.  Early in the engagement, we’ll discuss a bespoke, multifaceted personal development plan to support your journey.  During and between subsequent coaching conversations, you’ll learn to notice then actively engage with your internal experiences: exploring and unfolding during kairos moments, creating noticeable shifts.  We’ll close with a reflection and evolution conversation to support continued development.

Offering Details

Duration:  typically 7 months, when clients choose to meet biweekly

Explore an Edge includes:

  • 60—90 minute Deep Discovery Conversation (1)
  • Multifaceted, Bespoke Development Plan (2) a $3500 value including…
    • Observations Summary
    • Agreed upon Developmental Container with Purpose & Outcomes
    • Supportive metaphors
    • Beginning Self-Awareness Activit(ies)
    • Beginning Practice(s)
    • Beginning supportive Resource(s) and Assignment(s) (as appropriate)
  • Subsequent Coaching Conversations (3—15) with…
    • Exploration and unfolding experiences
    • Insight(s) identified
    • Adjustments & additions to development plan
    • New resources as appropriate
  • Closing Reflection & Evolution Conversation to support continued development (16)

Services Agreement is also available for review

Designed for…

Someone with enough courage to engage deeply and transform a recurring pattern while working with a coach who is exploring a learning edge, expanding into new coaching competencies.


A deep discovery conversation (60—90 minutes), a development plan conversation (60 minutes), then biweekly coaching conversations (60 minutes each) supported by practices and resources, closing with a reflection and evolution conversation (60 minutes).

All coaching conversations will be recorded.  Occasionally, recordings will be reviewed and discussed with the coach’s course faculty to supporting the coach’s ongoing learning and development.

How is the “Explore an Edge” offer different from existing services?

The coaching approach included in this offer (Explore an Edge) is called Integral Unfoldment coaching.  The integral unfoldment approach expands and deepens from the holistic premise of integral coaching.  The underlying theory of integral coaching states that a pattern we experience in one aspect of our life will also show up, in some form, in other aspects of our lives.  Integral Unfoldment further states that many patterns in our life, especially self-improvement patterns, come from core beliefs we hold about our deficiencies.  The unfolding approach asks clients to step into the question:  What would happen if I were to deeply experience and believe in my innate wholeness?  Then, from that place of wholeness (rather than deficiency), move forward in developing essential, supportive skills to meet situations in more integrated, nourishing, fulfilling, and supportive ways.

Coaching conversations during this engagement will continue to align with the steps that occur throughout all coaching engagements.  Additional focus and intention will be spent during coaching conversations to explore your internal (often private) world:  your thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and eventually working with core beliefs.  Often, allowing (vs. pushing away or actively ignoring) and intentionally exploring in this way initially feels unnatural or even uncomfortable.  For most, extra courage may be required to reflect and share in ways you may be new.

The investment for this special offer engagement is structured differently from existing engagements for two reasons:  1) additional openness is required from clients:  all coaching conversations will be recorded and 2) the coach will be practicing new coaching skills.  Recordings of coaching conversations, selected by the coach, will be reviewed and discussed in mentoring conversations with Alētheia Advanced Coaching Program course faculty to support the coach’s ongoing learning and skill development.  As a result, total monetary investment has been reduced and an additional, more flexible, payment approach is offered.

Target outcomes remain the same: 
     Through courage, you will shift.  Then you will shift your world, intentionally turning kairos moments into magic.